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Community Opinion on Web3 – Survey results

In the middle of October this year, we asked our community to participate in our Web3 survey to answer the question: What is your personal opinion about Web3 and NFTs?

The main purpose of this survey is to get to know you better and to understand how much you are concerned with these topics. The results are not so much the broad public opinion, but the assessments and views of our niche community. Keep that in mind when consuming the numbers and conclusions.


Why do a Web3 survey?

In recent years, but especially increasingly this year (2022), Web3 and also NFTs have become not only a daily topic internally at our company, but even part of our work. It didn’t take long for the whole thing to ripple through to our content and communication. And we had the feeling from day one that this topic resonated with you. However, the exchange can quickly become one-sided if you produce educational content. That’s why we wanted to seek your opinion actively.

And now we’ll get to the results, we promise!


General META findings

Shift of interests

Our community has always been at home in the traditional marketing, media, and institutional world. This remains true until today, for the most part. Whenever we did small polls on our channels, the interest seemed to be highest in the Social Media category.

But that has obviously changed. Although a large majority of you are professionally active in conventional areas, your interests have migrated to Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Virtual Reality.


Positive attitude towards Web3

Even though Web3 and NFTs are definitely controversial topics, you seem to be optimistic when it comes to the growth of Web3.
74% of you have indicated that you believe a mass adoption is underway, but not quite completed yet. Roughly 20% of you have stated that you do not see the added value of blockchain technology at all or have no idea what Web3 is about.

In addition, nearly two-thirds believe digital assets will become important in their industry in the next 5 years. And just as many state that, professionally speaking, they are somewhat connected to Web3. Be it by themselves, or through business partners and competitors.

Go-to places for Web3 information

When it comes to knowledge and information gathering about Web3, a few platforms are clearly in the lead: Youtube, Twitter & Discord are your go-to’s.

Social Media seems irrelevant, as only a few votes were given for LinkedIn and Instagram. But with almost 20% of the votes, blog posts are also high on your list. As long as those are neon blog posts, we are, of course, happy about that



Additional conclusions

Self-perceived Web3 expertise

As it turns out,  you feel more at home with NFTs than with Web3. 51% of you think they understand the basics of NFTs, and 41% think they have built up expertise. How for Web3, Only 31% said they know the basics of Web3, and 39% said they feel confident on the subject.

We also find this division into two groups when we look at the question of whether you are actively educating yourselves in this matter. With a visible tendency toward more sporadic learning.


Belief =/= Action

Although a large majority of you are convinced that digital assets and Web3 technology will become relevant in your industry in the next few years, professional engagement with them still seems to be lagging behind. A staggering 70% of you stated that there had been no effort to provide training in this area at your work, and probably won’t be in the near future.

Mixed feelings shine through

We already stated above that you are optimistic about the potential and growth of Web3 itself. But from your answers, it’s clear that there are still some concerns or maybe even first signs of fatigue when dealing with this space.

While a big portion of you (56%) stated to be intrigued and relaxed whenever you or others in your proximity talk about Web3, there are also a lot of voices that say otherwise. 24% of you stated that you feel confused and 15% claimed to feel bored since you don’t care much about the topic.


You want news & fundamentals

When asked which Web3-specific content you are most interested in, the ranking was pretty clear: There is no winner. You’ve virtually been voting the exact same amount of times for News & Fundamentals. Only Finance & NFT insights find themselves somewhat isolated in 3rd place.

Place 1. Fundamental explanations & News & Development
Place 2. /
Place 3. Finance & NFT Insights


Closing words

With this survey, we wanted to learn more about your current position on Web3 and also about your willingness to dive deeper into this matter. And your answers clearly show us that the topic resonates with you, but many of you still feel overwhelmed by the complexity.

Believe us when we tell you that we often feel the same way. The only thing that helps is to keep on dealing with it. We will do our best to offer you content that brings light into the darkness. Be it with explanations that help understand the bigger picture or with new developments we consider essential.

Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. Who still does that today? You are the best




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