Instagram hashtags are complex and things on Instagram move pretty fast. So before you dive into your own Instagram adventure, you should understand which hashtags get the most likes for your case and should thus have a look at some best practices to get your account up and running smoothly. Here’s our selection of tips on hacking hashtags.

Reaching the “Top” of a hashtag is a great way to be discovered, but an even better way is the “Explore” page.
While reaching the top page is relatively easy, the explore page requires a bit more effort (that can usually not be achieved by the simple use of hashtags).
Reaching this last section requires a mix between perfect timing and lots of engagements early at the beginning.
A few general ideas on how to increase your chances with every post:
– Tag brands, users, and the location in your photos (There’s almost never a reason NOT to use the location).
– Create Call-To-Actions and ask your fans to comment on your posts and give feedback.
– Hit the perfect timing for when most of your followers are active (Check e.g. your Business Insights for this).
Now for you to be able to really reach the “Explore” section, it usually takes engagement by 1 or more larger accounts for your post to take off.
In general, your aim for every post should always be to hit the perfect mixture between 3 key ingredients:
Time. Relation. Interest.
Post at the right time, for the right people, with the right interests.

Hashtags are your entry point to gain followers by activating their interest at the right time.
But which hashtags should you actually choose? Which work, and which don’t?
There are multiple categories you need to consider for your posts. While your account and follower size grows, you will be abe to use larger tags more easily while your odds of reaching the “Top” section grow proportionally.
1. Obivous hashtags
These are the hashtags that get the most likes, you know the ones even your mom would use. The popular ones that established themselves right after the Instagram big bang.
Words like #love, #happy, #art, #nature, etc. but also the (for your mom) less obvious ones like #like4like, #picoftheday, #lfl that emerged over the years and are abused mostly by teens. Unless your post is really extraordinary and you have lots of followers, you will never be trending in these and reach the “Top”.
Also in this category fall tags like #relationshipgoals or neologisms like #foodstagram every Instagram beginner has already seen.
2. Branded or Campaign hashtags
Less obvious are the branded hashtags. It’s the ones that your favorite shoe, travel or fitness company invented to link their posts to specific subjects.
The range of these tags goes from small to huge, depending on the influence of the brand that introduced them.
For example, herschelsupply’s #welltraveled smashed it.
Establishing such hashtags is a great way for brands to create virality, however, it usually only works with a lot of initial reach to solve the chicken/egg problem.
Similar to the branded hashtags are the campaign hashtags, though they usually have a much shorter lifespan.
For example, at the end of each year, Starbucks launches the #RedCupContest to promote its Christmas seasonal beverages and – you know… – red cups.
Less popular, but a great idea: #PutACanOnIt by Red Bull.
So basically, these are hashtags marketers you use to promote a specific product for your brand and if you time them right you might be able to surf the like wave smoothly.
3. Niche hashtags
Interesting apart from established brand hashtags are the – what we call – “niche hashtags”. They’re small with usually 0 to 100k posts that are extremely well themed and most often (almost) free from “trashy” and out-of-place pictures. Often they were launched by an established “niche” account in order to create a sense of community around them.
Examples I like would be #classicsmagazine, #nowherediary or #nothinglessmag. Notice something when checking them out? Their posts are quite similar. That’s because they all fill the same “artsy” niche and are often used in cross-reference to one another.
How to find the right hashtags?
We’ve asked ourselves this question a lot, played around with Instagram’s native features and tested many different services. In the end, we decided to just make our own tool.
UPDATE JULY 29th 2019 – We’ve now included the Hashtag Analyzer into our neontools:
neon instagram hashtag analyzer
A quick analysis suggests that every 10’000th post uses this tag. With 7 Million posts that’s quite a lot, so we should look for some more interesting tags to add.
Looking through the list, the neon tool suggests for example:
#italya 650k posts
#italianfoodporn 150k posts
#pizzamania 100k posts
#foodpornitaly 24k posts

Now we’re talking.
We found ourselves some cool tags and want to elaborate further. We like #italianfoodporn so we put it into the search tool:
Now, the new results show some more tags:
#foodgasmic 263k posts
#foodpicsbruh 105k posts
#foodpornitaly 25k posts
You get the idea. That’s how you go from a simple topic to a niche. Mix this with a great picture and you’re sure to catch some wind quite easily.
Another great way to see how you should do it, is simply by observing your competitors. Which hashtags do they use? Which posts get the most likes? Oh, and did you know that posts with faces on them get around 40% more engagement?
A last question remains: How many hashtags should you use?
In our opinion, there’s no clear answer to this one. It really depends on the context and the creative idea behind your caption.
The maximum amount of hashtags per caption is 30. Some people say that 5-10 hashtags max. is best, however, there’s no real data on this. If you’re a big account and have lots of followers, it can be cool to use just 1. If you’re smaller you should use more.
Oh, and if you’re one of the cool kids, be sure to “hide them in the comments”. At least until Instagram finally reveals their updated hashtags in 2019.
So far for our Instagram Hacks. This article was selected by our followers on our own Instagram channel where they voted in our story. If you want to participate in future votes and see other interesting news, be sure to follow us .